
Legal Articles, News and Resources

Car accident victims could suffer severe back injuries

There are numerous types of injuries a person might suffer in a collision, some of which may heal with time while others could carry life-altering ramifications. Back injuries remain a common concern for car accident victims and such health issues may affect various aspects of one’s life. Individuals in California who suffer serious or permanent injuries in a collision may be left in search of answers about what took place, or for guidance [...]

Reducing the risks of trench collapses in construction

It is no secret that a construction accident can take place in the blink of an eye and under a multitude of scenarios. While safety issues — such as falls from heights and falling objects — remain common concerns in this industry, there may also be a certain level of risk involved when project tasks require you to work within trenches.  Even if working in a trench is necessary to performing project tasks, [...]

1 killed in head-on crash in California

While there may be many individuals who consider it vital to take a defensive approach to driving, some might not always show the same enthusiasm for safety. Those who exhibit reckless behaviors such as drunk driving may exhibit a reckless disregard for the safety of others, and it might not always be easy to spot such hazards in time to escape the path of danger. One person has been arrested on suspicion of [...]

Bullying remains an issue in many school environments

While it might not be uncommon for many kids to experience some form of teasing at school, there are times when the treatment kids experience may be more harmful in nature. Bullying remains a common concern in many school environments and those who experience such treatment could face various challenges in life. Finding ways to detect the presence of bullying may be integral to helping parents in California prepare to take the necessary steps to [...]

Talking with teenage drivers about safety

There may be many teenagers who are eagerly approaching the stage in life where they can legally operate a motor vehicle. While parents in California may take some level of joy in watching the kids spread their wings, they may also have some concerns about this part of the process. Studies indicate that drivers are at the greatest risk of being involved in a car accident during their teenage years, and talking to [...]

Protecting against fall-related construction accidents

While there are certain types of safety hazards that may be present in many work environments, some risks may be more prevalent within specific fields. Slip, trip and fall accidents can occur under a variety of scenarios and similar issues continue to be a leading cause of serious injuries for construction workers in California. Taking steps to protect against similar types of construction accidents can be essential to cultivating a safer work atmosphere [...]

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