
Legal Articles, News and Resources

Pedestrians can be at risk near construction sites

Many residents of California and elsewhere assume that it is only construction workers who are in danger on their worksites. If they do not work in the industry, they should be safe from construction accidents. This, unfortunately, is not always true. Innocent bystanders can sustain serious or fatal injuries near construction sites if they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, especially if someone is not observing the proper [...]

How and why should you avoid tailgating in California?

Tailgating is not only a rude driving behavior, but it is also a dangerous one. Following too closely puts yourself, your passengers and the occupants of the vehicles with whom you are sharing the road at risk for getting into collisions that may result in serious injuries or death. According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, following too closely may cause the vehicle in front of you to block the view in front of [...]

California exceeds federal rules for work site electrical safety

Due to the year-round mild weather, building projects are always in process in the Los Angeles area. Construction sites are dangerous locations under the best circumstances. However, when they fail to adhere to federal and California industry safety standards, the likelihood of serious injuries increases.  According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, electrical construction regulations are in place to protect workers from electrocution, electric shock, explosions and fire. Employees who work on construction sites [...]

Why do traffic fatalities increase during the holidays?

The holidays are a time of family, friends, light and celebration for California residents. Whether you are going out shopping or to a gathering at someone’s house, you no doubt notice the heavy volume of cars on the road. Unfortunately, this is also a time of an increased traffic fatalities too.  What is behind this phenomenon?  According to data in Traffic Safety Facts released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are four [...]

What if your contract does not have an end date?

Many California contracts, such as commercial leases, have specific end dates that bind both parties to the terms. On the other hand, perpetual contracts do not have an expressed duration. If there is any uncertainty as to whether the contract is perpetual, you and the other party could end up in court over whether terminating the contract is a breach. According to the Association of Business Trial Lawyers Report, when there is a question [...]

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