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So far Ramey Law PC has created 258 blog entries.

What are the focus four?


Every day in California, numerous people go to work on construction job sites. These people might work on what some may consider to be small remodeling jobs at a personal residence, or they may be at massive commercial sites where completely new and large structures are being built from the ground up. Regardless of the size [...]

What are the focus four?2024-04-18T02:09:57-07:00

What is food allergy bullying?


Food allergies are nothing new to California residents. It is common for schools to send notices home warning parents of a child with a serious allergy and requesting that no snacks or meals containing the allergen be sent to the school. Like many parents, however, you might not realize that food allergy bullying is also [...]

What is food allergy bullying?2024-04-18T02:11:05-07:00

Will the new gig worker law change contract work?


Companies, such as Uber, use workers who are independent contractors. This is different than an employee because this type of worker does not receive benefits or other perks that come with being an actual employee of the company. However, California recently passed a new law about independent contractors that makes it a bit harder to [...]

Will the new gig worker law change contract work?2024-04-18T02:11:56-07:00

Take safety measures with ridesharing companies


Uber, Lyft and other rideshare apps are widely used in California’s major cities. Unfortunately, using the convenient apps is not always safe. Cincinnati.com ran a story on the fatal outcome of a missing college student who mistakenly entered a vehicle she thought was an Uber vehicle before her subsequent murder. To help rideshare users stay safe, UCSF Risk [...]

Take safety measures with ridesharing companies2024-04-18T02:08:25-07:00

Requesting a female Uber driver to avoid assault and harassment


In California and elsewhere, women report sexual harassment and sexual assault from ridesharing companies like Uber. To reduce their chances of becoming victims, some women would rather request a female driver. Is this possible? While the answer is no, RideGuru shares companies that only employ female drivers. Safety and peace of mind are essential for ridesharing passengers [...]

Requesting a female Uber driver to avoid assault and harassment2024-04-18T02:07:01-07:00

Birds, bugs and car crashes


Auto accidents have many different causes, including those which are relatively unusual. For example, some wrecks are the result of birds or even insects. So, how could a bird or a bug cause a crash? First of all, they can be very distracting, whether they interfere with a driver’s ability to see the road or [...]

Birds, bugs and car crashes2024-04-18T02:06:03-07:00

3 risks to consider before booking your next rideshare


Gone are the days when you had to stand on the street corner to hail a taxi if you did not have your own car. Now, you can simply log into an app on your smartphone and have an Uber, Lyft or another rideshare arrive within minutes. Your trip home may not be as carefree [...]

3 risks to consider before booking your next rideshare2024-04-18T02:03:03-07:00

Crashes involving buses, garbage trucks and other large vehicles


There are countless hazards to be on the lookout for while driving, from tricky intersections to poor road conditions and drunk drivers. Accidents may be especially likely to occur during certain times of the day and they may also involve vehicles that are not involved in traffic collisions very frequently, such as garbage trucks or [...]

Crashes involving buses, garbage trucks and other large vehicles2024-04-18T02:04:30-07:00

How long do the effects of bullying last?


The schoolyard can be a brutal place. For kids targeted by bullies, they may suffer the impact of bullying into their adult life. Bullying might appear to be something that kids only have to worry about while at school, but the truth is that they could wind up experience mental health effects later on in [...]

How long do the effects of bullying last?2024-04-18T00:49:07-07:00

Who can file for wrongful death in California?


In the event that a loved one has passed away due to negligence in California, you may have the right to file for a wrongful death suit. However, not everybody is eligible to file for wrongful death. According to the State of California, if you are one of the following relations to the deceased, you are [...]

Who can file for wrongful death in California?2024-04-18T00:46:21-07:00
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