Monthly Archives: November 2022

Protecting against fall-related construction accidents


While there are certain types of safety hazards that may be present in many work environments, some risks may be more prevalent within specific fields. Slip, trip and fall accidents can occur under a variety of scenarios and similar issues continue to be a leading cause of serious injuries for construction workers in California. Taking [...]

Protecting against fall-related construction accidents2024-04-18T18:21:13-07:00

Head-on crash proves fatal


While almost any type of collision may have the potential to result in disaster, certain types of crashes may inherently prove more dangerous than others. When a driver loses control of a vehicle and veers into oncoming lanes of traffic, the risks of a head-on crash may be ever-present and similar incidents can carry dire [...]

Head-on crash proves fatal2024-04-18T18:26:53-07:00

Some causes of driver inattention may be easy to overlook


While most drivers may be aware of how dangerous it can be to operate a vehicle while distracted, some might not know how easy it may be to fall prey to inattention. Distracted driving continues to play a role in many car accidents and the fallout of such incidents could leave individuals in California facing [...]

Some causes of driver inattention may be easy to overlook2024-04-18T18:20:39-07:00

Examples of safety risks regarding scaffolding


There are various types of tools and equipment that may prove integral to performing tasks at heights on any construction project. Scaffolding is a type of equipment that construction workers in California may use nearly every day and while such objects are made to aid with certain tasks, they can also be somewhat dangerous at [...]

Examples of safety risks regarding scaffolding2024-04-18T18:10:54-07:00
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