Monthly Archives: March 2020

How dangerous are cat bites?


There are many cats living all over the state of California, which means there are also many cat owners. However, not every cat has a home. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine if a stray cat is friendly. This is hard to tell even with a friend or family member’s cat. Sometimes, petting an unknown [...]

How dangerous are cat bites?2024-04-18T02:50:57-07:00

A Disturbing Trend: Abuse Of Special Needs Students In Southern California Schools


It’s every parent’s nightmare: learning that your special needs child has been mistreated at school. Perhaps they’ve been bullied or assaulted. Even more horrifying, maybe they’ve been sexually abused or raped. All too often, the culprits are not staff or adults, but other students. And all too often, an investigation uncovers a disturbing pattern of [...]

A Disturbing Trend: Abuse Of Special Needs Students In Southern California Schools2024-04-18T02:49:19-07:00

How do you prove liability in a bullying lawsuit?


Most children experience teasing and arguments with their peers at some point in their lives, but what happens when the behavior escalates into bullying and your child becomes physically or emotionally scarred? These incidents happen in almost every level of schooling and the National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that nearly 30 percent of children endure bullying [...]

How do you prove liability in a bullying lawsuit?2024-04-18T02:51:32-07:00

Pedestrian killed in accident, distracted driving might be cause


While cell phone distraction is a significant cause of vehicle collisions, it is merely one of many things in Los Angeles that compete for drivers’ attention. Reaching for items in the car, eating and drinking or programming a GPS device might cause people to take their hands off the wheel. Someone’s mental state could also [...]

Pedestrian killed in accident, distracted driving might be cause2024-04-18T02:52:29-07:00

How auto insurance fraud may affect fault in a car accident


To responsibly drive on California roads, drivers must have a valid license and the appropriate insurance coverage. This ensures that if there is an accident, someone is responsible for paying for the medical costs, property repair and possibly even funeral expenses of another they injured. Unfortunately, there are many uninsured or underinsured drivers on the [...]

How auto insurance fraud may affect fault in a car accident2024-04-18T02:50:20-07:00

What is cyber bullying?


In this day and age, bullying is an extremely serious concern that a lot of parents have when it comes to kids and their interactions with other children. One form of bullying that gained traction, however, is cyber bullying. In order to fully understand how serious cyber bullying is, it helps to know what constitutes [...]

What is cyber bullying?2024-04-18T02:54:05-07:00

When are pedestrians liable for their own injuries?


Many people are under the assumption that when a vehicle hits a pedestrian, the driver is automatically in the wrong. This is far from the case. In fact, there are many instances in which a pedestrian may be liable for his or her own injuries, such as when he or she violates applicable traffic laws. [...]

When are pedestrians liable for their own injuries?2024-04-18T02:55:00-07:00
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