Monthly Archives: February 2020

The “Fatal Four” construction accidents


Everyone knows the construction industry is a dangerous profession. People work under conditions that pose risks to their health and lives. Statistics about fatal accidents support the grim reality. Studies also show employers could do more to protect workers. The biggest risks in construction Nationwide, the year 2018 saw 4,779 worker fatalities in the private sector. More [...]

The “Fatal Four” construction accidents2024-04-18T02:47:07-07:00

Causes of motor vehicle accidents


According to HuffPost, car accidents are prevalent. Majority of these accidents are caused by human error. Some of these accidents are minor, although these car crashes lead to the loss of many lives. Therefore, an individual needs to drive and follow all the traffic laws carefully. However, when an individual is careful, it does not mean that all [...]

Causes of motor vehicle accidents2024-04-18T02:46:28-07:00

Are E-bikes dangerous?


Electric bikes, sometimes referred to as e-bikes, are becoming more and more popular these days. Touted as an easier bicycling alternative for older riders or those with disabilities, e-bikes can be dangerous depending on the circumstances. While you cannot prevent all accidents, the following safety tips will help decrease the risk of injury while riding an e-bike.  [...]

Are E-bikes dangerous?2024-04-18T02:45:17-07:00

California’s commitment to combating bullying


California is a state apart from all others when it comes to its general sociopolitical environment. The Golden State prides itself on respect for all people and the honor of personal freedoms. In spite of this, bullying remains a growing issue in California. While it is certainly not the only state struggling with this problem, [...]

California’s commitment to combating bullying2024-04-18T02:45:51-07:00

When special-needs kids are at risk of harm at school


Special-needs students are at greater risk of suffering abuse or other harm at school than other kids. Sexual abuse, bullying and physical assaults can result from the failure of school authorities to supervise properly or take other necessary actions to keep kids safe. What are the red flags warning about the occurrence of injuries to [...]

When special-needs kids are at risk of harm at school2024-04-18T02:47:56-07:00
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